Undergraduate Degrees in Education

Undergraduate-Level Education Courses



ED 4553

Child & Social Systems

ED 4553

Child & Social Systems

Foundations of Education (EC,EL,MUS,PE,SS)

Professional Decision Making (EC,EL,MUS,PE,SS)

Survey of the Exceptional Child (EC,EL,MUS,PE,SS)

Educational Psychology (EC,EL,MUS,SS)

Educational Technology (EC,EL,PE)

Intro to Education and Teaching Lab (EC,EL,PE,SS)

Elementary Literature/Language Arts (EC,EL)

Elementary STEM: Studies in Mathematics (EC,EL)

Elementary STEM: Studies in Science (EC,EL)

Health/Safety/Nutrition/PE (EC,EL)

Primary Lit/Language Arts (EC,EL)

Seminar: Diversity in Education (EC,EL)

Seminar: English Language Learner Strategies (EC,EL)

Student Learning Seminar (EC,EL)

Student Teaching I (EC,EL)

Student Teaching II (EC,EL)

Child & Social Systems (EC)

Child Guidance (EC)

Cog Dev/Math/Science/Social Studies (EC)

Developmental Reading (EC)

Discrete Math (EC)

Geometry and Topology (EC)

Math Structures (EC)

Probability and Statistics (EC)

Reading Theory & Practicum (EC)

Developmental Psychology Across the Lifespan (EL,MUS)

Characteristics of Early Adolescent (EL)

Math Credit: Discrete Math (EL)

Math Credit: Geometry and Topology (EL)

Math Credit: Math Structures (EL)

Math Credit: Probability and Statistics (EL)

Middle School Curriculum and Design (EL,SS)

Reading Diagnosis & Practicum (EL)

Reading Diagnosis & Practicum Lab (EL)

Reading Theory & Practicum (EL)

Social Studies in Elementary (EL)

Calculus I (MATH)

Calculus II (MATH)

Calculus III (MATH)

Complex Variables (MATH)

Dierential Equations (MATH)

Discrete Mathematical Structures (MATH)

Introduction to Analysis (MATH)

Introduction to Modern Algebra (MATH)

Junior Colloquium in Mathematics (MATH)

Linear Algebra (MATH)

Mathematics Seminar (MATH)

Number Theory (MATH)

Probability and Statistics I (MATH)

Senior Research in Mathematics (MATH)

Arranging (MUS)

Aural Theory I (MUS)

Aural Theory II & III (MUS)

Conducting I & II (MUS)

Elementary Music Methods (MUS)

Fundamentals of Instrumental Methods (MUS)

Fundamentals of Music (MUS)

Harmony I (MUS)

Harmony II & III (MUS)

Junior Level Recital or Capstone Project (MUS)

Music History I (MUS)

Music History II & III (MUS)

Music,Ministry,and the Church (MUS)

Secondary Music Methods (MUS)

Seminar (MUS)

Student Teaching Elementary (MUS)

Student Teaching Secondary (MUS)

Survey of Music (MUS)

Vocal Literature and Diction I & II (MUS)

Vocal Pedagogy (MUS)

Adaptive Physical Education (PE)

Biology or Anatomy (PE)

Biomechanics/Kinesiology (PE)

Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries (PE)

Exercise Physiology (PE)

First Aid/CPR (PE)

Fitness Assessment and Technology (PE)

Foundations of Kinesiology (PE)

Methods in Elementary PE (PE)

Methods in Secondary PE (PE)

Motor and Sports Skills I,II,III,IV,V (5 Courses) (PE)

Motor Learning (PE)

Organization & Management of PE (PE)

Personal and Community Health (PE)

Practicum/Clinical Experience (PE)

Psychology of Children and Youth (PE)

Research Measurement & Evaluation (PE)

School Health Curriculum (PE)

Senior Seminar in PE (PE)

Student Teaching Seminar (Elementary,Secondary) (PE)

Characteristics of the Exceptional Child (SS)

Developmental Psychology (SS)

Economics (SS)

Historical Methods (SS)

History Elective (SS)

Introduction to Political Science (SS)

Introduction to Sociology (SS)

Methods of Teaching Social Studies (SS)

Oklahoma History (SS)

Student Teaching - High School (SS)

Student Teaching - Middle School (SS)

US History I (SS)

US History II (SS)

World Civilizations I (SS)

World Regional Geography (SS)