Undergraduate > Elementary Education (Grades 1-8)

(Grades 1-8)

Degree Plan

Year 1

Introduction to Education/Teaching Lab

Educational Technology

Foundations of Education

Math Credit: Discrete Math

Math Credit: Probability and Statistics

Year 2

Primary Lit/Language Arts

Educational Psychology

Elementary STEM: Studies in Mathematics

Reading Theory & Practicum


Math Credit: Geometry and Topology

Math Credit: Math Structures

Year 3

Elementary STEM: Studies in Science

Social Studies in Elementary

Development Psychology Across the Life Span

Elementary Literature/Language Arts

Middle School Curriculum & Design

Year 4

Professional Decision Making

Reading Diagnosis & Practicum

Reading Diagnosis & Practicum Lab

Characteristics of Early Adolescent

Survey of the Exceptional Child

Student Learning Seminar

Seminar: Diversity in Education

Seminar: English Language Learner Strategies

Student Teaching I

Student Teaching II